Create Stunning Screenshots in Seconds

With Mockly, just pick, place, zoom—done. Fast, stress-free mockups for developers who'd rather code than design.

No Login Required
No Watermarks
Free to Use
ScreenCraft Editor Preview

Feature-Packed, Yet Lazy-Friendly

Everything you need to create professional-looking screenshots and mockups

Instant Mockups

Upload, tweak, done. It's like magic, but without the wand.

Multi-device Preview

Instantly see how your designs look on any screen size—because nobody has time for resizing.

Zoom & Place

Put your screenshots exactly where you want, and zoom in like a pro—minus the struggle.

Text & Style

Add text, pick your font, and make it pop. Because plain screenshots are so last year.

Simple, Transparent Pricing

Pick a plan that works for you—no surprises, no hidden fees, just straight-up value.




  • Unlimited screenshot creation
  • No login required
  • Access to all screen sizes (mobile, tablet, desktop)
  • Custom backgrounds & text
  • No watermarks


Coming Soon

  • All Free features
  • Cloud storage
  • Additional templates and backgrounds
  • Priority support
  • Collaborative editing



  • All Pro features
  • Custom SLA
  • Dedicated account manager
  • Custom branding

Ready to Get Started?

Take control of your projects with powerful tools and a flexible, open-source platform. We are proudly open source!